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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Touch my laptop and DIE

I can totally relate to this guy:

What happens when you try to steal a 1L's laptop...

Seriously... mess with my laptop and/or sweetly colored posters... and risk your life...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Yesterday we entered upon the last full week of classes. Contracts, Torts, and Property end this week. Civ. Pro wraps up next week and catapults us into, well, first turkey-day, and then finals. After fighting my way through the rain this morning I find myself in my little study nook contemplating this "nearly sixth of the way through" feeling. They told me college would be quick. They told me Teach for America would go by really fast. But the way people spoke about law school I thought this would drag out forever, yet here I am trying to savor every last moment until my first final, hoping to fill every neuron with a bit of knowledge physically possible. The end of classes doesn't quite mean break yet. The end of classes simply means that you are about to encounter what it's all about: the final exam.

This morning, and really this week, is bittersweet because while we know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, we haven't seen it yet.

Good luck everyone! Happy studying!

Here's a little mood music to keep you going.... 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Making it a game

I love his idea! It just makes sense. You have to make it a game and try not to take everything so seriously.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

WLA Luncheon

What an amazing time I had yesterday! My first real "get out and meet lawyers" event, courtesy of the Women Lawyer's Association. It was an awesome opportunity to sit and talk about how to gain the right experiences while in law school. I was surrounded by role models; women who, despite their lack of female role models during their early professional years, made it to the top of their profession. I had the opportunity to trade ideas with a professor about interest in policy. What's even more amazing is the fact that she offered me the opportunity to sit down with her and come up with a plan for the summer.

I also walked away with a free book! Well, I probably won't get to that until after December 8.... but I am looking forward to it! She was a great speaker.
I really enjoyed the discussion about the generational shift in the legal field, particularly it's implications on the law school structure. Really, it appears to sum up to the same issues relevant in education generally.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Law Student's Christmas List

Halloween is over and November brings with it Christmas music and store-wide sales....

Wait, what?

I'm not going to go into the fact that Thanksgiving is the most unappreciated holiday ever (which is kind of ironic). I'll sum up all my thoughts on the matter with this picture:

This post is the answer to my family's question about what I want for Christmas. Even as I'm typing it I STILL am not sure what's going to show up...

 1) Great Supreme Court Cases Mug:
What better way to remember who won? Brown v Board, Plessy v Ferguson... the list goes on! Educational AND good to the last drop!

2) Massage Gift Card:
I'm pretty sure my family is over me asking for the occasional back massage. Wow, this sounds even better the more I think about it...

Cough... Ipad 2/Kindle Fire... Cough

3) You can never go wrong with organization:
Stress relief would be the best Christmas present ever! I constantly balance between the edge of a disorganized chasm and a misleading sense of calm. Give me something that might temper my chaotic lifestyle 

4) While on the topic of organization...
A three hole punch would be nice...

5) I'm not saying I want this... but it is pretty funny...

For the career politician in you...

Well, it's about that time again... 
Time for Outlines, Emmanuels, and Flow Charts....