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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pick me! Wait... Don't pick me!

"Ms Restrepo, I saw your hand move."

Yikes. You caught me. There's really nothing that can describe the first time you are called on in class. Everyone has told you that your blood runs cold, your heart rate skyrockets, and your life flashes before your eyes.  Your classmates look in your direction and once you realize it was your name that was called your first reaction is typically denial: he couldn't have called my name. One uncomfortable moment and, wait, he did call my name.

Shuffle, shuffle with the case briefs and possibly an, "um..."

But WHY are we all convinced that this will be so scary? Weren't our professors once in this position themselves? What about this experience will benefit me as a future lawyer?

Why should I be concerned about moving my hand in such a way that might look like I'm attempting to raise it? I shouldn't!

I want to hear more about why I shouldn't be afraid of law school and how to stay that way. 

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