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Monday, September 19, 2011

The Sleeper Strikes Back

Mornings get a little more... snoozy...

I'm not going to lie. This morning, I wanted nothing more than to hit the snooze button until well past 1:00 pm. I think that for some reason, the stress level stepped from a 5 to 6 this weekend because after glancing at the calendar, we have two weeks until the Closed Memo is due and a scary three weeks until the dreaded Legal Research Final. We're all starting to feel the heat I suppose.

This brings me back to the sleeper. Perhaps narcolepsy is to blame. If so I feel really bad to saying so, but if you're prone to those drift off sessions, grab a Dr. Pepper or something. That's my drink of choice this morning (more to kick the headache and less for the MUST STAY AWAKE factor). It's 9:45 and we have 30 minutes left. I'm not sure half the class is going to survive.

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