New Year, New Semester
"She packed up her potential and all she had learned, grabbed a cute pair of shoes and headed out to change a few things."
You know, there are few things that I love more than "newness." Today, I have plenty of that! New Year, new semester, new perspective.... new new new! As horrid as it may appear, I'm really grateful to be here, sitting in this random part of the law library at 8:00 in the morning. I left here a month ago completely unsure of my first semester and myself. I'm returning with a renewed confidence and understanding that, yeah, maybe I do belong here.

Over the break I had an AWESOME opportunity to complete my 30 hours of community service (requirement for graduation) with KASAP (Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs) on a legislative position paper that focused on the use of protective orders by victims of Dating Violence. I was blown away first by the lack of language on the subject in Kentucky (especially because I know of some people who experienced this in college) but also by the way in which those issues can be advocated for. I think I found a doorway to a calling. Maybe not this particular area but I definitely saw something that screamed "advocacy in education." I was especially excited about reviewing issues within Kentucky education when I saw that Governor Beshear highlighted an effort to evaluate education after he won the election (Cough cough... internship??? Maybe???).
Overall I'm looking forward to a new semester. I'm a little bit older... (yikes, I turn 26 in April...) a little bit wiser... and a little less of a green 1L. As my favorite picture book by Bob Shea and Lane Smith states, "I got BIG PLANS"and "soon the entire WORLD will know of my BIG PLANS!"
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