What a FANTASTIC weekend! Yes, this includes the day of my final.
Centre grads all know the line: "Do your best. Be your best. No
regrets." This little piece of gold is passed down from the wonderful
Centre College president, John Roush, to every incoming freshman class.
My philosophy is, if I've got to do it, I'm going to do it right.
The test wasn't a cake walk, but I felt that I did my best and had no
regrets about my level of prep. The best feeling in the world. I don't
know my grade, but frankly, I don't care about it right now. I did my
best and that's all I can ask myself to do.
What do you do afterwards? Decompress.
Nothing makes stress dissolve more than spending time with friends and family. I recommend a dose of this every week during some set aside time. You need to designate some time ONLY for free family/friend time. Also, create a completely unrelated spontaneous time. It's your buffer zone. This time can be added to family/friend time or it can be dedicated to 1) taking a run in the fabulous Cherokee Park, 2) buying yourself a large Huber's apple cider at Heine Brothers (specific location: Eastern Parkway and Preston), 3) simply watching the latest episode of Breaking Bad.
One thing they don't tell you enough is to be selfish about some of your time. SOME. Granted, you probably shouldn't go out every night, BUT don't feel guilty in taking that time for yourself. The assignment WILL get done. You will be just fine. Don't forget you are a person for 3 years. You will likely regret it.
This token of advice was what led my weekend to the status of absolute bliss.
Law school isn't easy. BUT, it isn't IMPOSSIBLE. I leave you, my fabulous reader with the same challenge: Do you best. Be your best. No regrets.
Well, ok, my weekend was also blissful because of this adorable face. The new addition to our family, Mr. Olaf!
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